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500X100 TiVu'

500X100 TiVu'

500 × 100 is a place for dialogue through the physical meeting, a search of gaze and words which by meeting, generate reflections, connections and thoughts.
A way to confront on the city, become aware of it and discuss about different visions.

It want to be a common instrument for dialogue and daily sharing in different areas and with different languages. A system that allows to create connections and comparisons, dialogue and unity.

500 × 100 it is the fruit of Alfonso Femia’s idea with the contribution of Mr. Eugenio Pasta,  Arch. Marco Predari and Mrs. Simonetta Cenci. We can find also the collaboration of Mr. Giorgio Tartaro and PPan as permanent actors of conducting the dialogue as a project tool. It is promoted by 5 + 1AA and US.

After the experience of the Salone del Mobile 2015, 500X100TiVù finds its home within the Universal Selecta’s  partition walls, and US49 events space becomes the location where Mr. Giorgio Tartaro and Mr. Alfonso Femia meet the "talkers", offering reflections and insights on City theme.

During the day were made the first series of interviews with various personalities of the world of design, urbanism, publishing, design.

Among the guests expected for the first day: Monica Tricario (Piuarch studio), Roberta Busnelli (IQD, Editorial Director Fellow Us), Alessandro Scandurra (Scandurra studio), Francesco Vecchi (writer and journalist Mediaset), Francesco Fusillo (designer), Massimo the Sepia (LabQ, Biennale di Pisa), Michele Rossi (Park associated), Cinzia Anguissola
( Scacchetti studio), Giancarlo Gardin (photographer and architect), Rodrigo Rodriquez (CdA President, Material Connection), Mario Bonetto (designer).

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